ML Basis system for multi-file project
LunarML supports ML Basis system compatible with MLton and MLKit.
Comments are ML-like: between (*
.. *)
and can be nested.
<basexp> ::= 'bas' <basdec> 'end'
| 'let' <basdec> 'in' <basexp> 'end'
| <identifier>
<basdec> ::= (* empty *)
| <basdec> ';'? <basdec>
| 'basis' <identifier> '=' <basexp> ('and' <identifier> '=' <basexp>)*
| 'open' <identifier>+
| 'local' <basdec> 'in' <basdec> 'end'
| 'structure' <identifier> ('=' <identifier>)? ('and' <identifier> ('=' <identifier>)?)*
| 'signature' <identifier> ('=' <identifier>)? ('and' <identifier> ('=' <identifier>)?)*
| 'functor' <identifier> ('=' <identifier>)? ('and' <identifier> ('=' <identifier>)?)*
| 'ann' <string>+ 'in' <basdec> 'end'
| <path.sml> | <path.sig> | <>
| <>
An MLB file consists of <basdec>
Available annotations
nonexhaustiveBind {warn|error|ignore}
nonexhaustiveMatch {warn|error|ignore}
nonexhaustiveRaise {ignore|warn|error}
redundantBind {warn|error|ignore}
redundantMatch {warn|error|ignore}
redundantRaise {warn|error|ignore}
sequenceNonUnit {ignore|warn|error}
valDescInComments {ignore|warn|error}
allowDoDecls {true|false}
allowExtendedConsts {true|false}
allowExtendedNumConsts {true|false}
allowExtendedTextConsts {true|false}
allowLineComments {true|false}
allowOptBar {true|false}
allowOptSemicolon {true|false}
allowRecordPunExps {true|false}
allowSigWithtype {true|false}
allowVectorExpsAndPats {true|false}
allowVectorExps {true|false}
allowVectorPats {true|false}
allowRecordExtension {true|false}
allowRecordUpdate {true|false}
allowUtfEscapeSequences {true|false}
allowHexFloatConsts {true|false}
allowValRecTyVars {true|false}
allowValTyVarsRec {true|false}
allowFreeTyVarsInTypeDec {true|false}
allowWhereAndType {true|false}
allowInfixingDot {false|true}
allowSuccessorML {true|false}
This is a combination of the following annotations:
allowDoDecls <value>
allowExtendedNumConsts <value>
allowExtendedTextConsts <value>
allowLineComments <value>
allowOptBar <value>
allowOptSemicolon <value>
allowRecordPunExps <value>
allowSigWithtype <value>
allowRecordExtension <value>
allowRecordUpdate <value>
allowValRecTyVars <value>
allowValTyVarsRec <not value>
allowFreeTyVarsInTypeDec <not value>
allowWhereAndType <not value>
The default value for an annotation could be specified by --default-ann
Available libraries
: SML Basis Library$(SML_LIB)/basis/
: Unsafe structure$(SML_LIB)/basis/
: LunarML structure$(SML_LIB)/basis/
: Lua structure$(SML_LIB)/basis/
: JavaScript structure$(SML_LIB)/basis/
: Pipe operator$(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib/
Path variables
You can use --mlb-path-map=<file>
option and --mlb-path-var=<var>=<path>
option to configure MLB path variables.
Each line of path map file consists of two space-separated tokens: variable name and path.