
LunarML is the Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript.


LunarML supports full SML ‘97 language, including module system. LunarML also supports some of Successor ML features and other language extensions.

A subset of SML Basis Library is supported.

For multi-file project, ML Basis system is supported.

The program can communicate with other Lua or JavaScript code.

Some backends support delimited continuations.


Pre-built binaries

Docker image is available:

$ docker pull
$ docker run --rm --platform linux/amd64 -v "$(pwd)":/work -w /work lunarml compile example/hello.sml
$ lua example/hello.lua
Hello world!

In case you do not want to use Docker, there are precompiled scripts available in the tarball. You can use install-precompiled-lua target to install lunarml.lua which can be run with Lua 5.3/5.4 and LuaFileSystem:

$ make install-precompiled-lua PREFIX=/opt/lunarml
$ export PATH=/opt/lunarml/bin:$PATH
$ lunarml compile example/hello.sml

You can use install-precompiled-node target to install lunarml.mjs to be run with Node.js:

$ make install-precompiled-node PREFIX=/opt/lunarml
$ export PATH=/opt/lunarml/bin:$PATH
$ lunarml compile example/hello.sml

Warning: Script-compiled LunarML is slow. Use native binary for serious use.


You need a recent version of MLton to build the executable, and Lua 5.3+ or recent Node.js to run the compiled script.

Run make to build bin/lunarml:

$ make
$ make test-lua
$ make test-lua-continuations
$ make test-luajit
$ make test-nodejs
$ make test-nodejs-cps
$ bin/lunarml compile example/hello.sml
$ lua example/hello.lua
Hello world!

You can install the built binary with make install:

$ make install PREFIX=/opt/lunarml
$ export PATH="/opt/lunarml/bin:$PATH"
$ lunarml compile example/hello.sml

Alternatively, you can use Docker to build and run LunarML:

$ docker build --platform linux/amd64 -f package/docker/Dockerfile -t lunarml:0.2.1 .
$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/work -w /work --platform linux/amd64 lunarml:0.2.1 lunarml compile example/hello.sml
$ lua example/hello.lua
Hello world!