SML Basis Library
LunarML supports a subset of SML Basis Library.
The Basis Library is available at $(SML_LIB)/basis/
Status: partial.
infix 7 * / div mod
infix 6 + - ^
infixr 5 :: @
infix 4 = <> > >= < <=
infix 3 := o
infix 0 before
type unit = {}
eqtype int (* primitive *)
eqtype word (* primitive *)
type real (* primitive *)
eqtype char (* primitive *)
eqtype string (* primitive *)
type substring = Substring.substring
type exn (* primitive *)
eqtype 'a array (* primitive *)
eqtype 'a vector (* primitive *)
datatype 'a ref = ref of 'a (* primitive *)
datatype bool = false | true
datatype option = datatype Option.option
datatype order = datatype General.order
datatype 'a list = nil | :: of 'a * 'a list
exception Bind = General.Bind
exception Chr = General.Chr
exception Div = General.Div
exception Domain = General.Domain
exception Fail = General.Fail
exception Match = General.Match
exception Overflow = General.Overflow
exception Size = General.Size
exception Span = General.Span
exception Subscript = General.Subscript
exception Empty = List.Empty
exception Option = Option.Option
val = : ''a * ''a -> bool
val <> : ''a * ''a -> bool
val abs : (* ∀'a:realint. *) 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val ~ : (* ∀'a:num. *) 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val + : (* ∀'a:num. *) 'a * 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val - : (* ∀'a:num. *) 'a * 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val * : (* ∀'a:num. *) 'a * 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val / : (* ∀'a:Real. *) 'a * 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val div : (* ∀'a:wordint. *) 'a * 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val mod : (* ∀'a:wordint. *) 'a * 'a -> 'a (* overloaded *)
val < : (* ∀'a:numtxt. *) 'a * 'a -> bool (* overloaded *)
val <= : (* ∀'a:numtxt. *) 'a * 'a -> bool (* overloaded *)
val > : (* ∀'a:numtxt. *) 'a * 'a -> bool (* overloaded *)
val >= : (* ∀'a:numtxt. *) 'a * 'a -> bool (* overloaded *)
val ! : 'a ref -> 'a = General.!
val := : 'a ref * 'a -> unit = General.:=
val @ : ('a list * 'a list) -> 'a list = List.@
val ^ : string * string -> string = String.^
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit =
val before : 'a * unit -> 'a = General.before
val ceil : real -> int = Real.ceil
val chr : int -> char = Char.chr
val concat : string list -> string = String.concat
(* val exnMessage : not implemented yet *)
val exnName : exn -> string = General.exnName
val explode : string -> char list = String.explode
val floor : real -> int = Real.floor
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b = List.foldl
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b = List.foldr
val getOpt : 'a option * 'a -> 'a = Option.getOpt
val hd : 'a list -> 'a = List.hd
val ignore : 'a -> unit = General.ignore
val implode : char list -> string = String.implode
val isSome : 'a option -> bool = Option.isSome
val length : 'a list -> int = List.length
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list =
val not : bool -> bool = Bool.not
val null : 'a list -> bool = List.null
val o : ('b -> 'c) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> c = General.o
val ord : char -> int = Char.ord
val print : string -> unit = TextIO.print
val real : int -> real = Real.fromInt
(* val ref : defined as a constructor *)
val rev : 'a list -> 'a list = List.rev
val round : real -> int = Real.round
val size : string -> int = String.size
val str : char -> string = String.str
val substring : string * int * int -> string = String.substring
val tl : 'a list -> 'a list =
val trunc : real -> int = Real.trunc
(* val use : not supported *)
val valOf : 'a option -> 'a = Option.valOf
val vector : 'a list -> 'a vector = Vector.fromList;
structure General
structure General : sig
type unit = {}
type exn = exn
exception Bind
exception Match
exception Chr
exception Div
exception Domain
exception Fail of string
exception Overflow
exception Size
exception Span
exception Subscript
val exnName : exn -> string
(* val exnMessage : exn -> string *)
datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
val ! : 'a ref -> 'a
val := : 'a ref * 'a -> unit
val before : 'a * unit -> 'a
val ignore : 'a -> unit
val o : ('b -> 'c) * ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'c
structure StringCvt
signature STRING_CVT = sig
datatype radix = BIN | OCT | DEC | HEX
datatype realfmt = SCI of int option
| FIX of int option
| GEN of int option
type ('a,'b) reader = 'b -> ('a * 'b) option
val padLeft : char -> int -> string -> string
val padRight : char -> int -> string -> string
val splitl : (char -> bool) -> (char, 'a) reader -> 'a -> string * 'a
val takel : (char -> bool) -> (char, 'a) reader -> 'a -> string
val dropl : (char -> bool) -> (char, 'a) reader -> 'a -> 'a
val skipWS : (char, 'a) reader -> 'a -> 'a
type cs
val scanString : ((char, cs) reader -> ('a, cs) reader) -> string -> 'a option
structure StringCvt :> STRING_CVT
structure Bool
signature BOOL = sig
datatype bool = datatype bool
val not : bool -> bool
val toString : bool -> string
val scan : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (bool, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : string -> bool option
structure Bool :> BOOL
signature INTEGER, structure IntInf
signature INTEGER = sig
eqtype int
val toLarge : int ->
val fromLarge : -> int
val toInt : int ->
val fromInt : -> int
val precision : option
val minInt : int option
val maxInt : int option
val + : int * int -> int
val - : int * int -> int
val * : int * int -> int
val div : int * int -> int
val mod : int * int -> int
val quot : int * int -> int
val rem : int * int -> int
val compare : int * int -> order
val < : int * int -> bool
val <= : int * int -> bool
val > : int * int -> bool
val >= : int * int -> bool
val ~ : int -> int
val abs : int -> int
val min : int * int -> int
val max : int * int -> int
val sign : int ->
val sameSign : int * int -> bool
val fmt : StringCvt.radix -> int -> string
val toString : int -> string
val scan : StringCvt.radix -> (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (int, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : string -> int option
signature INT_INF = sig
include INTEGER
val divMod : int * int -> int * int
val quotRem : int * int -> int * int
val pow : int * -> int
val log2 : int ->
val orb : int * int -> int
val xorb : int * int -> int
val andb : int * int -> int
val notb : int -> int
val << : int * Word.word -> int
val ~>> : int * Word.word -> int
structure Int :> INTEGER where type int = int
structure Int8 :> INTEGER
structure Int16 :> INTEGER
structure Int32 :> INTEGER
structure Int54 :> INTEGER
structure Int64 :> INTEGER
structure IntInf :> INT_INF
structure LargeInt : INTEGER = IntInf
structure Position :> INTEGER
signature WORD
signature WORD = sig
eqtype word
val wordSize : int
val toLarge : word -> LargeWord.word
val toLargeX : word -> LargeWord.word
val toLargeWord : word -> LargeWord.word
val toLargeWordX : word -> LargeWord.word
val fromLarge : LargeWord.word -> word
val fromLargeWord : LargeWord.word -> word
val toLargeInt : word ->
val toLargeIntX : word ->
val fromLargeInt : -> word
val toInt : word -> int
val toIntX : word -> int
val fromInt : int -> word
val andb : word * word -> word
val orb : word * word -> word
val xorb : word * word -> word
val notb : word -> word
val << : word * Word.word -> word
val >> : word * Word.word -> word
val ~>> : word * Word.word -> word
val + : word * word -> word
val - : word * word -> word
val * : word * word -> word
val div : word * word -> word
val mod : word * word -> word
val compare : word * word -> order
val < : word * word -> bool
val <= : word * word -> bool
val > : word * word -> bool
val >= : word * word -> bool
val ~ : word -> word
val min : word * word -> word
val max : word * word -> word
val fmt : StringCvt.radix -> word -> string
val toString : word -> string
val scan : StringCvt.radix -> (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (word, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : string -> word option
structure Word :> WORD where type word = word
structure Word8 :> WORD
structure Word16 :> WORD
structure Word32 :> WORD
structure Word64 :> WORD
structure LargeWord = Word64
structure IEEEReal
Status: partial.
signature IEEE_REAL = sig
exception Unordered
datatype real_order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER | UNORDERED
datatype float_class = NAN | INF | ZERO | NORMAL | SUBNORMAL
datatype rounding_mode = TO_NEAREST | TO_NEGINF | TO_POSINF | TO_ZERO
(* val setRoundingMode : rounding_mode -> unit *)
(* val getRoundingMode : unit -> rounding_mode *)
type decimal_approx = { class : float_class, sign : bool, digits : int list, exp : int }
val toString : decimal_approx -> string
(* val scan : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (decimal_approx, 'a) StringCvt.reader *)
(* val fromString : string -> decimal_approx option *)
structure IEEEReal : IEEE_REAL
signature REAL
Status: partial.
signature REAL = sig
type real
(* structure Math *)
val radix : int
val precision : int
val maxFinite : real
val minPos : real
val minNormalPos : real
val posInf : real
val negInf : real
val + : real * real -> real
val - : real * real -> real
val * : real * real -> real
val / : real * real -> real
val rem : real * real -> real
(* val *+ : real * real * real -> real *)
(* val *- : real * real * real -> real *)
val ~ : real -> real
val abs : real -> real
val min : real * real -> real
val max : real * real -> real
val sign : real -> int
val signBit : real -> bool
val sameSign : real * real -> bool
val copySign : real * real -> real
val compare : real * real -> order
val compareReal : real * real -> IEEEReal.real_order
val < : real * real -> bool
val <= : real * real -> bool
val > : real * real -> bool
val >= : real * real -> bool
val == : real * real -> bool
val != : real * real -> bool
val ?= : real * real -> bool
val unordered : real * real -> bool
val isFinite : real -> bool
val isNan : real -> bool
val isNormal : real -> bool
val class : real -> IEEEReal.float_class
val toManExp : real -> { man : real, exp : int }
val fromManExp : { man : real, exp : int } -> real
val split : real -> { whole : real, frac : real }
val realMod : real -> real
(* val nextAfter : real * real -> real *)
val checkFloat : real -> real
val realFloor : real -> real
val realCeil : real -> real
val realTrunc : real -> real
val realRound : real -> real
val floor : real -> int
val ceil : real -> int
val trunc : real -> int
val round : real -> int
val toInt : IEEEReal.rounding_mode -> real -> int
val toLargeInt : IEEEReal.rounding_mode -> real ->
val fromInt : int -> real
val fromLargeInt : -> real
val toLarge : real -> LargeReal.real
val fromLarge : IEEEReal.rounding_mode -> LargeReal.real -> real
val fmt : StringCvt.realfmt -> real -> string
val toString : real -> string
val scan : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (real, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : string -> real option
(* val toDecimal : real -> IEEEReal.decimal_approx *)
(* val fromDecimal : IEEEReal.decimal_approx -> real option *)
structure Real : REAL where type real = real
structure LargeReal = Real
structure Math
signature MATH = sig
type real
val pi : real
val e : real
val sqrt : real -> real
val sin : real -> real
val cos : real -> real
val tan : real -> real
val asin : real -> real
val acos : real -> real
val atan : real -> real
val atan2 : real * real -> real
val exp : real -> real
val pow : real * real -> real
val ln : real -> real
val log10 : real -> real
val sinh : real -> real
val cosh : real -> real
val tanh : real -> real
structure Math :> MATH where type real = Real.real
signature CHAR
signature CHAR = sig
eqtype char
eqtype string
val minChar : char
val maxChar : char
val maxOrd : int
val ord : char -> int
val chr : int -> char
val succ : char -> char
val pred : char -> char
val compare : char * char -> order
val < : char * char -> bool
val <= : char * char -> bool
val > : char * char -> bool
val >= : char * char -> bool
val contains : string -> char -> bool
val notContains : string -> char -> bool
val isAscii : char -> bool
val toLower : char -> char
val toUpper : char -> char
val isAlpha : char -> bool
val isAlphaNum : char -> bool
val isCntrl : char -> bool
val isDigit : char -> bool
val isGraph : char -> bool
val isHexDigit : char -> bool
val isLower : char -> bool
val isPrint : char -> bool
val isSpace : char -> bool
val isPunct : char -> bool
val isUpper : char -> bool
val toString : char -> String.string
val scan : (Char.char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : String.string -> char option
val toCString : char -> String.string
val fromCString : String.string -> char option
structure Char :> CHAR where type char = char where type string = String.string
structure WideChar :> CHAR where type string = WideString.string
Lua backend: WideChar.maxOrd
is 255 and WideChar
is an opaque alias of Char
JavaScript backend: WideChar.maxOrd
is 65535.
signature STRING
signature STRING = sig
eqtype string
eqtype char
val maxSize : int
val size : string -> int
val sub : string * int -> char
val extract : string * int * int option -> string
val substring : string * int * int -> string
val ^ : string * string -> string
val concat : string list -> string
val concatWith : string -> string list -> string
val str : char -> string
val implode : char list -> string
val explode : string -> char list
val map : (char -> char) -> string -> string
val translate : (char -> string) -> string -> string
val tokens : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val fields : (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val isPrefix : string -> string -> bool
val isSubstring : string -> string -> bool
val isSuffix : string -> string -> bool
val compare : string * string -> order
val collate : (char * char -> order) -> string * string -> order
val < : string * string -> bool
val <= : string * string -> bool
val > : string * string -> bool
val >= : string * string -> bool
val toString : string -> String.string
val scan : (Char.char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (string, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : String.string -> string option
val toCString : string -> String.string
val fromCString : String.string -> string option
(* *)
val implodeRev : char list -> string
structure String :> STRING where type string = string where type char = char
structure WideString :> STRING where type char = WideChar.char
signature SUBSTRING
Status: partial.
signature SUBSTRING = sig
type substring
type char
type string
val sub : substring * int -> char
val size : substring -> int
val base : substring -> string * int * int
val extract : string * int * int option -> substring
val substring : string * int * int -> substring
val full : string -> substring
val string : substring -> string
val isEmpty : substring -> bool
val getc : substring -> (char * substring) option
val first : substring -> char option
val triml : int -> substring -> substring
val trimr : int -> substring -> substring
val slice : substring * int * int option -> substring
val concat : substring list -> string
val concatWith : string -> substring list -> string
val explode : substring -> char list
val isPrefix : string -> substring -> bool
(* val isSubstring : string -> substring -> bool *)
val isSuffix : string -> substring -> bool
val compare : substring * substring -> order
val collate : (char * char -> order) -> substring * substring -> order
val splitl : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring * substring
val splitr : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring * substring
val splitAt : substring * int -> substring * substring
val dropl : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val dropr : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val takel : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
val taker : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring
(* val position : string -> substring -> substring * substring *)
(* val span : substring * substring -> substring *)
val translate : (char -> string) -> substring -> string
val tokens : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring list
val fields : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring list
val app : (char -> unit) -> substring -> unit
val foldl : (char * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> substring -> 'a
val foldr : (char * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> substring -> 'a
structure Substring :> SUBSTRING where type substring = CharVectorSlice.slice
where type string = String.string
where type char = Char.char
structure WideSubstring :> SUBSTRING where type substring = WideCharVectorSlice.slice
where type string = WideString.string
where type char = WideChar.char
signature TEXT
signature TEXT = sig
structure Char : CHAR
structure String : STRING
structure Substring : SUBSTRING
structure CharVector : MONO_VECTOR
structure CharArray : MONO_ARRAY
structure CharVectorSlice : MONO_VECTOR_SLICE
structure CharArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE
sharing type Char.char = String.char = Substring.char
= CharVector.elem = CharArray.elem
= CharVectorSlice.elem = CharArraySlice.elem
sharing type Char.string = String.string = Substring.string
= CharVector.vector = CharArray.vector
= CharVectorSlice.vector = CharArraySlice.vector
sharing type CharArray.array = CharArraySlice.array
sharing type CharVectorSlice.slice = CharArraySlice.vector_slice
structure Text :> TEXT where type Char.char = Char.char
where type String.string = String.string
where type Substring.substring = Substring.substring
where type CharArray.array = CharArray.array
where type CharVectorSlice.slice = CharVectorSlice.slice
where type CharArraySlice.slice = CharArraySlice.slice
structure WideText :> TEXT where type Char.char = WideChar.char
where type String.string = WideString.string
where type Substring.substring = WideSubstring.substring
where type CharArray.array = WideCharArray.array
where type CharVectorSlice.slice = WideCharVectorSlice.slice
where type CharArraySlice.slice = WideCharArraySlice.slice
structure List
signature LIST = sig
datatype list = datatype list
exception Empty
val null : 'a list -> bool
val length : 'a list -> int
val @ : 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list
val hd : 'a list -> 'a
val tl : 'a list -> 'a list
val last : 'a list -> 'a
val getItem : 'a list -> ('a * 'a list) option
val nth : 'a list * int -> 'a
val take : 'a list * int -> 'a list
val drop : 'a list * int -> 'a list
val rev : 'a list -> 'a list
val concat : 'a list list -> 'a list
val revAppend : 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a option
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val partition : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
val tabulate : int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a list
val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a list * 'a list -> order
structure List :> LIST
structure ListPair
signature LIST_PAIR = sig
exception UnequalLengths
val zip : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
val zipEq : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list
val app : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> 'a list * 'b list -> unit
val appEq : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> 'a list * 'b list -> unit
val map : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c list
val mapEq : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c list
val foldl : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c
val foldr : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c
val foldlEq : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c
val foldrEq : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c
val all : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool
val exists : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool
val allEq : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool
structure ListPair :> LIST_PAIR
structure Option
signature OPTION = sig
datatype 'a option = NONE | SOME of 'a
exception Option
val getOpt : 'a option * 'a -> 'a
val isSome : 'a option -> bool
val valOf : 'a option -> 'a
val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a option
val join : 'a option option -> 'a option
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a option -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val mapPartial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val compose : ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'a option) -> 'c -> 'b option
val composePartial : ('a -> 'b option) * ('c -> 'a option) -> 'c -> 'b option
structure Option :> OPTION
structure Vector
signature VECTOR = sig
datatype vector = datatype vector
val maxLen : int
val fromList : 'a list -> 'a vector
val tabulate : int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a vector
val length : 'a vector -> int
val sub : 'a vector * int -> 'a
val update : 'a vector * int * 'a -> 'a vector
val concat : 'a vector list -> 'a vector
val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a vector -> unit
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a vector -> unit
val mapi : (int * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a vector -> 'b vector
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a vector -> 'b vector
val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b
val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b
val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> (int * 'a) option
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a option
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> bool
val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> bool
val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a vector * 'a vector -> order
structure Vector :> VECTOR
structure VectorSlice
signature VECTOR_SLICE = sig
type 'a slice
val length : 'a slice -> int
val sub : 'a slice * int -> 'a
val full : 'a Vector.vector -> 'a slice
val slice : 'a Vector.vector * int * int option -> 'a slice
val subslice : 'a slice * int * int option -> 'a slice
val base : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector * int * int
val vector : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector
val concat : 'a slice list -> 'a Vector.vector
val isEmpty : 'a slice -> bool
val getItem : 'a slice -> ('a * 'a slice) option
val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit
val mapi : (int * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a slice -> 'b Vector.vector
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a slice -> 'b Vector.vector
val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> (int * 'a) option
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> 'a option
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool
val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool
val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a slice * 'a slice -> order
structure VectorSlice :> VECTOR_SLICE
structure Array
signature ARRAY = sig
datatype array = datatype array
datatype vector = datatype vector
val maxLen : int
val array : int * 'a -> 'a array
val fromList : 'a list -> 'a array
val tabulate : int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a array
val length : 'a array -> int
val sub : 'a array * int -> 'a
val update : 'a array * int * 'a -> unit
val vector : 'a array -> 'a vector
val copy : { src : 'a array, dst : 'a array, di : int } -> unit
val copyVec : { src : 'a vector, dst : 'a array, di : int } -> unit
val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a array -> unit
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a array -> unit
val modifyi : (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> unit
val modify : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> unit
val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b
val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b
val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a array -> (int * 'a) option
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'a option
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool
val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a array * 'a array -> order
(* *)
val toList : 'a array -> 'a list
val fromVector : 'a vector -> 'a array
val toVector : 'a array -> 'a vector
structure Array :> ARRAY
structure ArraySlice
signature ARRAY_SLICE = sig
type 'a slice
val length : 'a slice -> int
val sub : 'a slice * int -> 'a
val update : 'a slice * int * 'a -> unit
val full : 'a Array.array -> 'a slice
val slice : 'a Array.array * int * int option -> 'a slice
val subslice : 'a slice * int * int option -> 'a slice
val base : 'a slice -> 'a Array.array * int * int
val vector : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector
val copy : { src : 'a slice, dst : 'a Array.array, di : int } -> unit
val copyVec : { src : 'a VectorSlice.slice, dst : 'a Array.array, di : int } -> unit
val isEmpty : 'a slice -> bool
val getItem : 'a slice -> ('a * 'a slice) option
val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit
val modifyi : (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a slice -> unit
val modify : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a slice -> unit
val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b
val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> (int * 'a) option
val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> 'a option
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool
val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool
val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a slice * 'a slice -> order
structure ArraySlice :> ARRAY_SLICE
signature MONO_VECTOR
signature MONO_VECTOR = sig
type vector
type elem
val maxLen : int
val fromList : elem list -> vector
val tabulate : int * (int -> elem) -> vector
val length : vector -> int
val sub : vector * int -> elem
val update : vector * int * elem -> vector
val concat : vector list -> vector
val appi : (int * elem -> unit) -> vector -> unit
val app : (elem -> unit) -> vector -> unit
val mapi : (int * elem -> elem) -> vector -> vector
val map : (elem -> elem) -> vector -> vector
val foldli : (int * elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a
val foldri : (int * elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a
val foldl : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a
val foldr : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a
val findi : (int * elem -> bool) -> vector -> (int * elem) option
val find : (elem -> bool) -> vector -> elem option
val exists : (elem -> bool) -> vector -> bool
val all : (elem -> bool) -> vector -> bool
val collate : (elem * elem -> order) -> vector * vector -> order
(* *)
val toList : vector -> elem list
val append : vector * elem -> vector
val prepend : elem * vector -> vector
structure CharVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type vector = String.string
where type elem = char
structure WideCharVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type vector = WideString.string
where type elem = WideChar.char
structure BoolVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = bool
structure IntVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem =
structure Int8Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem =
structure Int16Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem =
structure Int32Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem =
structure Int64Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem =
structure WordVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word.word
structure Word8Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word8.word
structure Word16Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word16.word
structure Word32Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word32.word
structure Word64Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word64.word
structure RealVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = real
signature MONO_VECTOR_SLICE = sig
type elem
type vector
type slice
val length : slice -> int
val sub : slice * int -> elem
val full : vector -> slice
val slice : vector * int * int option -> slice
val subslice : slice * int * int option -> slice
val base : slice -> vector * int * int
val vector : slice -> vector
val concat : slice list -> vector
val isEmpty : slice -> bool
val getItem : slice -> (elem * slice) option
val appi : (int * elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit
val app : (elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit
val mapi : (int * elem -> elem) -> slice -> vector
val map : (elem -> elem) -> slice -> vector
val foldli : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val foldr : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val foldl : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val foldri : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val findi : (int * elem -> bool) -> slice -> (int * elem) option
val find : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> elem option
val exists : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> bool
val all : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> bool
val collate : (elem * elem -> order) -> slice * slice -> order
structure CharVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = CharVector.vector
where type elem = char
where type slice = Substring.substring
structure WideCharVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = WideCharVector.vector
where type elem = WideChar.char
where type slice = WideSubstring.substring
structure BoolVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = BoolVector.vector
where type elem = bool
structure IntVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = IntVector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int8VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Int8Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int16VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Int16Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int32VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Int32Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int64VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Int64Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure WordVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = WordVector.vector
where type elem = Word.word
structure Word8VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Word8Vector.vector
where type elem = Word8.word
structure Word16VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Word16Vector.vector
where type elem = Word16.word
structure Word32VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Word32Vector.vector
where type elem = Word32.word
structure Word64VectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = Word64Vector.vector
where type elem = Word64.word
structure RealVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type vector = RealVector.vector
where type elem = real
signature MONO_ARRAY
signature MONO_ARRAY = sig
eqtype array
type elem
type vector
val maxLen : int
val array : int * elem -> array
val fromList : elem list -> array
val tabulate : int * (int -> elem) -> array
val length : array -> int
val sub : array * int -> elem
val update : array * int * elem -> unit
val vector : array -> vector
val copy : { src : array, dst : array, di : int } -> unit
val copyVec : { src : vector, dst : array, di : int } -> unit
val appi : (int * elem -> unit) -> array -> unit
val app : (elem -> unit) -> array -> unit
val modifyi : (int * elem -> elem) -> array -> unit
val modify : (elem -> elem) -> array -> unit
val foldli : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> array -> 'b
val foldri : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> array -> 'b
val foldl : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> array -> 'b
val foldr : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> array -> 'b
val findi : (int * elem -> bool) -> array -> (int * elem) option
val find : (elem -> bool) -> array -> elem option
val exists : (elem -> bool) -> array -> bool
val all : (elem -> bool) -> array -> bool
val collate : (elem * elem -> order) -> array * array -> order
(* *)
val toList : array -> elem list
val fromVector : vector -> array
val toVector : array -> vector (* = vector *)
structure CharArray : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = CharVector.vector
where type elem = char
structure WideCharArray : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = WideCharVector.vector
where type elem = WideChar.char
structure BoolArray : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = BoolVector.vector
where type elem = bool
structure IntArray : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = IntVector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int8Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Int8Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int16Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Int16Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int32Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Int32Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure Int64Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Int64Vector.vector
where type elem =
structure WordArray : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = WordVector.vector
where type elem = Word.word
structure Word8Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Word8Vector.vector
where type elem = Word8.word
structure Word16Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Word16Vector.vector
where type elem = Word16.word
structure Word32Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Word32Vector.vector
where type elem = Word32.word
structure Word64Array : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = Word64Vector.vector
where type elem = Word64.word
structure RealArray : MONO_ARRAY where type vector = RealVector.vector
where type elem = real
signature MONO_ARRAY_SLICE = sig
type elem
type array
type slice
type vector
type vector_slice
val length : slice -> int
val sub : slice * int -> elem
val update : slice * int * elem -> unit
val full : array -> slice
val slice : array * int * int option -> slice
val subslice : slice * int * int option -> slice
val base : slice -> array * int * int
val vector : slice -> vector
val copy : { src : slice, dst : array, di : int } -> unit
val copyVec : { src : vector_slice, dst : array, di : int } -> unit
val isEmpty : slice -> bool
val getItem : slice -> (elem * slice) option
val appi : (int * elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit
val app : (elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit
val modifyi : (int * elem -> elem) -> slice -> unit
val modify : (elem -> elem) -> slice -> unit
val foldli : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val foldr : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val foldl : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val foldri : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b
val findi : (int * elem -> bool) -> slice -> (int * elem) option
val find : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> elem option
val exists : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> bool
val all : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> bool
val collate : (elem * elem -> order) -> slice * slice -> order
structure CharArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = CharVector.vector
where type vector_slice = CharVectorSlice.slice
where type array = CharArray.array
where type elem = char
structure WideCharArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = WideCharVector.vector
where type vector_slice = WideCharVectorSlice.slice
where type array = WideCharArray.array
where type elem = WideChar.char
structure BoolArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = BoolVector.vector
where type vector_slice = BoolVectorSlice.slice
where type array = BoolArray.array
where type elem = bool
structure IntArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = IntVector.vector
where type vector_slice = IntVectorSlice.slice
where type array = IntArray.array
where type elem =
structure Int8ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Int8Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Int8VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Int8Array.array
where type elem =
structure Int16ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Int16Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Int16VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Int16Array.array
where type elem =
structure Int32ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Int32Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Int32VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Int32Array.array
where type elem =
structure Int64ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Int64Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Int64VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Int64Array.array
where type elem =
structure WordArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = WordVector.vector
where type vector_slice = WordVectorSlice.slice
where type array = WordArray.array
where type elem = Word.word
structure Word8ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Word8Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Word8VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Word8Array.array
where type elem = Word8.word
structure Word16ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Word16Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Word16VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Word16Array.array
where type elem = Word16.word
structure Word32ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Word32Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Word32VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Word32Array.array
where type elem = Word32.word
structure Word64ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = Word64Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Word64VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Word64Array.array
where type elem = Word64.word
structure RealArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE where type vector = RealVector.vector
where type vector_slice = RealVectorSlice.slice
where type array = RealArray.array
where type elem = real
structure Byte
signature BYTE = sig
val byteToChar : Word8.word -> char
val charToByte : char -> Word8.word
val bytesToString : Word8Vector.vector -> string
val stringToBytes : string -> Word8Vector.vector
val unpackStringVec : Word8VectorSlice.slice -> string
val unpackString : Word8ArraySlice.slice -> string
val packString : Word8Array.array * int * substring -> unit
structure Byte :> BYTE
signature PACK_WORD
signature PACK_WORD = sig
val bytesPerElem : int
val isBigEndian : bool
val subVec : Word8Vector.vector * int -> LargeWord.word
val subVecX : Word8Vector.vector * int -> LargeWord.word
val subArr : Word8Array.array * int -> LargeWord.word
val subArrX : Word8Array.array * int -> LargeWord.word
val update : Word8Array.array * int * LargeWord.word -> unit
structure PackWord8Big :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord8Little :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord16Big :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord16Little :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord32Big :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord32Little :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord64Big :> PACK_WORD
structure PackWord64Little :> PACK_WORD
structure IO
signature IO = sig
exception Io of { name : string
, function : string
, cause : exn
exception BlockingNotSupported
exception NonblockingNotSupported
exception RandomAccessNotSupported
exception ClosedStream
datatype buffer_mode = NO_BUF | LINE_BUF | BLOCK_BUF
structure IO :> IO
structure TextIO
signature TEXT_IO = sig
structure StreamIO : sig
type elem = Char.char
type vector = CharVector.vector
type instream
type outstream
type out_pos
type reader = TextPrimIO.reader
type writer = TextPrimIO.writer
type pos = TextPrimIO.pos
val input : instream -> vector * instream
val input1 : instream -> (elem * instream) option
val inputN : instream * int -> vector * instream
val inputAll : instream -> vector * instream
val canInput : instream * int -> int option
val closeIn : instream -> unit
val endOfStream : instream -> bool
val output : outstream * vector -> unit
val output1 : outstream * elem -> unit
val flushOut : outstream -> unit
val closeOut : outstream -> unit
val mkInstream : reader * vector -> instream
val getReader : instream -> reader * vector
val filePosIn : instream -> pos
val setBufferMode : outstream * IO.buffer_mode -> unit
val getBufferMode : outstream -> IO.buffer_mode
val mkOutstream : writer * IO.buffer_mode -> outstream
val getWriter : outstream -> writer * IO.buffer_mode
val getPosOut : outstream -> out_pos
val setPosOut : out_pos -> outstream
val filePosOut : out_pos -> pos
(* TEXT_STREAM_IO: vector = CharVector.vector, elem = Char.char *)
val inputLine : instream -> (string * instream) option
val outputSubstr : outstream * Substring.substring -> unit
type vector = string
type elem = char
type instream
type outstream
val input : instream -> vector
val input1 : instream -> elem option
val inputN : instream * int -> vector
val inputAll : instream -> vector
val canInput : instream * int -> int option
val lookahead : instream -> elem option
val closeIn : instream -> unit
val endOfStream : instream -> bool
val output : outstream * vector -> unit
val output1 : outstream * elem -> unit
val flushOut : outstream -> unit
val closeOut : outstream -> unit
val mkInstream : StreamIO.instream -> instream
val getInstream : instream -> StreamIO.instream
val setInstream : instream * StreamIO.instream -> unit
val mkOutstream : StreamIO.outstream -> outstream
val getOutstream : outstream -> StreamIO.outstream
val setOutstream : outstream * StreamIO.outstream -> unit
val getPosOut : outstream -> StreamIO.out_pos
val setPosOut : outstream * StreamIO.out_pos -> unit
(* TEXT_IO *)
val inputLine : instream -> string option
val outputSubstr : outstream * substring -> unit
val openIn : string -> instream
val openOut : string -> outstream
val openAppend : string -> outstream
val stdIn : instream
val stdOut : outstream
val stdErr : outstream
val print : string -> unit
val scanStream : ((Char.char, StreamIO.instream) StringCvt.reader -> ('a, StreamIO.instream) StringCvt.reader) -> instream -> 'a option
structure TextIO :> TEXT_IO
structure BinIO
signature BIN_IO = sig
where type StreamIO.vector = Word8Vector.vector
where type StreamIO.elem = Word8.word
where type StreamIO.reader = BinPrimIO.reader
where type StreamIO.writer = BinPrimIO.writer
where type StreamIO.pos = BinPrimIO.pos
val openIn : string -> instream
val openOut : string -> outstream
val openAppend : string -> outstream
structure BinIO :> BIN_IO
structure OS
Status: partial.
structure OS : sig
structure FileSys : sig
(* type dirstream *)
(* val openDir : string -> dirstream *)
(* val readDir : dirstream -> string option *)
(* val rewindDir : dirstream -> unit *)
(* val closeDir : dirstream -> unit *)
val chDir : string -> unit (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val getDir : unit -> string (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val mkDir : string -> unit (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val rmDir : string -> unit (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val isDir : string -> bool (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val isLink : string -> bool (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val readLink : string -> string (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem 1.7.0 or later *)
(* val fullPath : string -> string *)
(* val realPath : string -> string *)
val modTime : string -> Time.time (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val fileSize : string -> (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val setTime : string * Time.time option -> unit (* Lua backend: requires LuaFileSystem *)
val remove : string -> unit
val rename : { old : string, new : string } -> unit
(* datatype access_mode = A_READ | A_WRITE | A_EXEC *)
(* val access : string * access_mode list -> bool *)
(* val tmpName : unit -> string *)
(* eqtype file_id *)
(* val fileId : string -> file_id *)
(* val hash : file_id -> word *)
(* val compare : file_id * file_id -> order *)
structure IO : sig
eqtype iodesc
val hash : iodesc -> word
val compare : iodesc * iodesc -> order
(* eqtype iodesc_kind *)
(* val kind : iodesc -> iodesc_kind *)
(* structure Kind *)
(* eqtype poll_desc *)
(* type poll_info *)
(* val pollDesc : iodesc -> poll_desc option *)
(* val pollToIODesc : poll_desc -> iodesc *)
(* exception Poll *)
(* val pollIn : poll_desc -> poll_desc *)
(* val pollOut : poll_desc -> poll_desc *)
(* val pollPri : polldesc -> poll_desc *)
(* val poll : poll_desc list * Time.time option -> poll_info list *)
(* val isIn : poll_info -> bool *)
(* val isOut : poll_info -> bool *)
(* val isPri : poll_info -> bool *)
(* val infoToPollDesc : poll_info -> poll_desc *)
structure Path : OS_PATH
structure Process : sig
type status
val success : status
val failure : status
val isSuccess : status -> bool
val system : string -> status
(* val atExit : (unit -> unit) -> unit *)
val exit : status -> 'a
val terminate : status -> 'a
val getEnv : string -> string option
(* val sleep : Time.time -> unit *)
eqtype syserror
exception SysErr of string * syserror option
(* val errorMsg : syserror -> string *)
(* val errorName : syserror -> string *)
(* val syserror : string -> syserror option *)
structure OS.Path
signature OS_PATH = sig
exception Path
exception InvalidArc
val parentArc : string
val currentArc : string
val fromString : string -> { isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list }
val toString : { isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list } -> string
val validVolume : { isAbs : bool, vol : string } -> bool
val getVolume : string -> string
val getParent : string -> string
val splitDirFile : string -> { dir : string, file : string }
val joinDirFile : { dir : string, file : string } -> string
val dir : string -> string
val file : string -> string
val splitBaseExt : string -> { base : string, ext : string option }
val joinBaseExt : { base : string, ext : string option } -> string
val base : string -> string
val ext : string -> string option
val mkCanonical : string -> string
val isCanonical : string -> bool
val mkAbsolute : { path : string, relativeTo : string } -> string
val mkRelative : { path : string, relativeTo : string } -> string
val isAbsolute : string -> bool
val isRelative : string -> bool
val isRoot : string -> bool
val concat : string * string -> string
val fromUnixPath : string -> string
val toUnixPath : string -> string
structure OS.Path : OS_PATH
On Windows, UNC paths are supported.
structure CommandLine
structure CommandLine : sig
val name : unit -> string
val arguments : unit -> string list
structure Time
Status: partial.
signature TIME = sig
eqtype time
exception Time
val zeroTime : time
val fromReal : LargeReal.real -> time
val toReal : time -> LargeReal.real
val toSeconds : time ->
val toMilliseconds : time ->
val toMicroseconds : time ->
val toNanoseconds : time ->
val fromSeconds : -> time
val fromMilliseconds : -> time
val fromMicroseconds : -> time
val fromNanoseconds : -> time
val + : time * time -> time
val - : time * time -> time
val compare : time * time -> order
val < : time * time -> bool
val <= : time * time -> bool
val > : time * time -> bool
val >= : time * time -> bool
val now : unit -> time
val fmt : int -> time -> string
val toString : time -> string
(* val scan : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (time, 'a) StringCvt.reader *)
(* val fromString : string -> time option *)
structure Time :> TIME
structure Date
Status: partial.
signature DATE = sig
datatype weekday = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
datatype month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
type date
exception Date
val date : { year : int, month : month, day : int, hour : int, minute : int, second : int, offset : Time.time option } -> date
val year : date -> int
val month : date -> month
val day : date -> int
val hour : date -> int
val minute : date -> int
val second : date -> int
val weekDay : date -> weekday
val offset : date -> Time.time option
val isDst : date -> bool option
val localOffset : unit -> Time.time
val fromTimeLocal : Time.time -> date
val fromTimeUniv : Time.time -> date
val toTime : date -> Time.time
val compare : date * date -> order
val fmt : string -> date -> string
val toString : date -> string
(* val scan : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader -> (date, 'a) StringCvt.reader *)
(* val fromString : string -> date option *)
structure Date :> DATE
Lua backend: Date.fmt
is a thin wrapper of
Therefore, LunarML’s Date.fmt
may accept or reject invalid specifiers.
JavaScript backend: Date.fmt
tries to mimick C locale.
structure Timer
signature TIMER = sig
type cpu_timer
type real_timer
val startCPUTimer : unit -> cpu_timer
val checkCPUTimes : cpu_timer -> { nongc : { usr : Time.time, sys : Time.time }
, gc : { usr : Time.time, sys : Time.time }
val checkCPUTimer : cpu_timer -> { usr : Time.time, sys : Time.time }
val checkGCTime : cpu_timer -> Time.time
val totalCPUTimer : unit -> cpu_timer
val startRealTimer : unit -> real_timer
val checkRealTimer : real_timer -> Time.time
val totalRealTimer : unit -> real_timer
structure Timer :> TIMER
The GC time returned by this structure is always zero.
signature PRIM_IO
signature PRIM_IO = sig
type elem
type vector
type vector_slice
type array
type array_slice
eqtype pos
val compare : pos * pos -> order
datatype reader = RD of { name : string
, chunkSize : int
, readVec : (int -> vector) option
, readArr : (array_slice -> int) option
, readVecNB : (int -> vector option) option
, readArrNB : (array_slice -> int option) option
, block : (unit -> unit) option
, canInput : (unit -> bool) option
, avail : unit -> option (* *)
, getPos : (unit -> pos) option
, setPos : (pos -> unit) option
, endPos : (unit -> pos) option
, verifyPos : (unit -> pos) option
, close : unit -> unit
, ioDesc : OS.IO.iodesc option
datatype writer = WR of { name : string
, chunkSize : int
, writeVec : (vector_slice -> int) option
, writeArr : (array_slice -> int) option
, writeVecNB : (vector_slice -> int option) option
, writeArrNB : (array_slice -> int option) option
, block : (unit -> unit) option
, canOutput : (unit -> bool) option
, getPos : (unit -> pos) option
, setPos : (pos -> unit) option
, endPos : (unit -> pos) option
, verifyPos : (unit -> pos) option
, close : unit -> unit
, ioDesc : OS.IO.iodesc option
val openVector : vector -> reader
val nullRd : unit -> reader
val nullWr : unit -> writer
val augmentReader : reader -> reader
val augmentWriter : writer -> writer
structure BinPrimIO :> PRIM_IO where type elem = Word8.word
where type vector = Word8Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = Word8VectorSlice.slice (* extension *)
where type array = Word8Array.array
where type array_slice = Word8ArraySlice.slice (* extension *)
where type pos =
structure TextPrimIO :> PRIM_IO where type elem = char
where type vector = CharVector.vector
where type vector_slice = CharVectorSlice.slice (* extension *)
where type array = CharArray.array
where type array_slice = CharArraySlice.slice (* extension *)
functor PrimIO
functor PrimIO (structure Vector : MONO_VECTOR
structure VectorSlice : MONO_VECTOR_SLICE
structure Array : MONO_ARRAY
structure ArraySlice : MONO_ARRAY_SLICE
sharing type Vector.elem = VectorSlice.elem = Array.elem = ArraySlice.elem
sharing type Vector.vector = VectorSlice.vector = Array.vector = ArraySlice.vector
sharing type VectorSlice.slice = ArraySlice.vector_slice
sharing type Array.array = ArraySlice.array
val someElem : Vector.elem
eqtype pos
val compare : pos * pos -> order
) :> PRIM_IO where type elem = Vector.elem
where type vector = Vector.vector
where type vector_slice = VectorSlice.slice
where type array = Array.array
where type array_slice = ArraySlice.slice
where type pos = pos
signature STREAM_IO
signature STREAM_IO = sig
type elem
type vector
type instream
type outstream
type out_pos
type reader
type writer
type pos
val input : instream -> vector * instream
val input1 : instream -> (elem * instream) option
val inputN : instream * int -> vector * instream
val inputAll : instream -> vector * instream
val canInput : instream * int -> int option
val closeIn : instream -> unit
val endOfStream : instream -> bool
val output : outstream * vector -> unit
val output1 : outstream * elem -> unit
val flushOut : outstream -> unit
val closeOut : outstream -> unit
val mkInstream : reader * vector -> instream
val getReader : instream -> reader * vector
val filePosIn : instream -> pos
val setBufferMode : outstream * IO.buffer_mode -> unit
val getBufferMode : outstream -> IO.buffer_mode
val mkOutstream : writer * IO.buffer_mode -> outstream
val getWriter : outstream -> writer * IO.buffer_mode
val getPosOut : outstream -> out_pos
val setPosOut : out_pos -> outstream
val filePosOut : out_pos -> pos
signature TEXT_STREAM_IO
signature TEXT_STREAM_IO = sig
include STREAM_IO
where type vector = CharVector.vector
where type elem = Char.char
val inputLine : instream -> (string * instream) option
val outputSubstr : outstream * Substring.substring -> unit
signature IMPERATIVE_IO = sig
structure StreamIO : STREAM_IO
type vector = StreamIO.vector
type elem = StreamIO.elem
type instream
type outstream
val input : instream -> vector
val input1 : instream -> elem option
val inputN : instream * int -> vector
val inputAll : instream -> vector
val canInput : instream * int -> int option
val lookahead : instream -> elem option
val closeIn : instream -> unit
val endOfStream : instream -> bool
val output : outstream * vector -> unit
val output1 : outstream * elem -> unit
val flushOut : outstream -> unit
val closeOut : outstream -> unit
val mkInstream : StreamIO.instream -> instream
val getInstream : instream -> StreamIO.instream
val setInstream : instream * StreamIO.instream -> unit
val mkOutstream : StreamIO.outstream -> outstream
val getOutstream : outstream -> StreamIO.outstream
val setOutstream : outstream * StreamIO.outstream -> unit
val getPosOut : outstream -> StreamIO.out_pos
val setPosOut : outstream * StreamIO.out_pos -> unit
functor ImperativeIO
functor ImperativeIO (structure StreamIO : STREAM_IO
structure Vector : MONO_VECTOR
structure Array : MONO_ARRAY
sharing type StreamIO.elem = Vector.elem = Array.elem
sharing type StreamIO.vector = Vector.vector = Array.vector
Lua features are accessible via the Lua
structure in $(SML_LIB)/basis/
structure Lua : sig
type value
exception Error of value
exception TypeError of string
val sub : value * value -> value (* t[k] *)
val field : value * string -> value (* t[k] *)
val set : value * value * value -> unit (* t[k] = v *)
val setField : value * string * value -> unit (* t[k] = v *)
val global : string -> value (* _ENV[name] or _G[name] *)
val setGlobal : string * value -> unit (* _ENV[name] = v or _G[name] = v *)
val call : value -> value vector -> value vector (* f(args...) *)
val call0 : value -> value vector -> unit (* f(args...) *)
val call1 : value -> value vector -> value (* f(args...) *)
val call2 : value -> value vector -> value * value (* f(args...) *)
val call3 : value -> value vector -> value * value * value (* f(args...) *)
val method : value * string -> value vector -> value vector (* f:name(args...) *)
val method0 : value * string -> value vector -> unit (* f:name(args) *)
val method1 : value * string -> value vector -> value (* f:name(args) *)
val method2 : value * string -> value vector -> value * value (* f:name(args) *)
val method3 : value * string -> value vector -> value * value * value (* f:name(args) *)
val NIL : value (* Lua nil *)
val isNil : value -> bool (* x == nil *)
val isFalsy : value -> bool (* not x *)
val fromBool : bool -> value
val fromInt : int -> value
val fromInt54 : -> value
val fromInt64 : -> value
val fromWord : word -> value
val fromReal : real -> value
val fromString : string -> value
val unsafeToValue : 'a -> value
val unsafeFromValue : value -> 'a
val newTable : unit -> value (* {} *)
val function : (value vector -> value vector) -> value
val + : value * value -> value
val - : value * value -> value
val * : value * value -> value
val / : value * value -> value
val // : value * value -> value
val % : value * value -> value
val pow : value * value -> value (* x ^ y *)
val negate : value -> value (* unary minus *)
val andb : value * value -> value (* x & y *)
val orb : value * value -> value (* x | y *)
val xorb : value * value -> value (* x ~ y *)
val notb : value -> value (* ~ x *)
val << : value * value -> value
val >> : value * value -> value
val == : value * value -> bool
val ~= : value * value -> bool
val < : value * value -> bool
val > : value * value -> bool
val <= : value * value -> bool
val >= : value * value -> bool
val concat : value * value -> value (* x .. y *)
val length : value -> value (* #x *)
val typeof : value -> string (* type *)
val checkString : value -> string
val checkBoolean : value -> bool
val checkInt : value -> int
val checkWord : value -> word
val checkReal : value -> real
val optString : value -> string option
structure Lib : sig
val GLOBAL : value (* _G *)
val VERSION : value (* _VERSION *)
val assert : value
val collectgarbage : value
val coroutine : value
val debug : value
val dofile : value
val error : value
val getfenv : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val getmetatable : value
val io : value
val ipairs : value
val load : value
val loadfile : value
val loadstring : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val module : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val math : value
val next : value
val os : value
val package : value
val pairs : value
val pcall : value
val print : value
val rawequal : value
val rawget : value
val rawlen : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val rawset : value
val require : value
val select : value
val setfenv : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val setmetatable : value
val string : value
val table : value
val tonumber : value
val tostring : value
val type' : value
val unpack : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val utf8 : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val xpcall : value
structure coroutine : sig
val create : value
val isyieldable : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val resume : value
val running : value
val status : value
val wrap : value
val yield : value
structure debug : sig
val debug : value
val getfenv : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val gethook : value
val getinfo : value
val getlocal : value
val getmetatable : value
val getregistry : value
val getupvalue : value
val getuservalue : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val setfenv : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val sethook : value
val setlocal : value
val setmetatable : value
val setupvalue : value
val setuservalue : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val traceback : value
val upvalueid : value
val upvaluejoin : value
structure io : sig
val close : value
val flush : value
val input : value
val lines : value
val open' : value
val output : value
val popen : value
val read : value
val stderr : value
val stdin : value
val stdout : value
val tmpfile : value
val type' : value
val write : value
structure math : sig
val abs : value
val acos : value
val asin : value
val atan : value
val atan2 : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val ceil : value
val cos : value
val cosh : value
val deg : value
val exp : value
val floor : value
val fmod : value
val frexp : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val huge : value
val ldexp : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val log : value
val log10 : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val max : value
val maxinteger : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val min : value
val mininteger : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val modf : value
val pi : value
val pow : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val rad : value
val random : value
val randomseed : value
val sin : value
val sqrt : value
val tan : value
val tanh : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val tointeger : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val type' : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val ult : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
structure os : sig
val clock : value
val date : value
val difftime : value
val execute : value
val exit : value
val getenv : value
val remove : value
val rename : value
val setlocale : value
val time : value
val tmpname : value
structure package : sig
val config : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val cpath : value
val loaded : value
val loaders : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val loadlib : value
val path : value
val preload : value
val searchers : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val searchpath : value
val seeall : value (* LuaJIT only *)
structure string : sig
val byte : value
val char : value
val dump : value
val find : value
val format : value
val gmatch : value
val gsub : value
val len : value
val lower : value
val match : value
val pack : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val packsize : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val rep : value
val reverse : value
val sub : value
val unpack : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val upper : value
structure table : sig
val concat : value
val insert : value
val maxn : value (* LuaJIT only *)
val move : value (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val pack : value
val remove : value
val sort : value
val unpack : value
structure utf8 : sig (* Lua 5.3/5.4 only *)
val char : value
val charpattern : value
val codepoint : value
val codes : value
val len : value
val offset : value
structure bit : sig (* LuaJIT only *)
val tobit : value
val tohex : value
val bnot : value
val band : value
val bor : value
val bxor : value
val lshift : value
val rshift : value
val arshift : value
val rol : value
val ror : value
val bswap : value
val bit : value (* Lua BitOp; LuaJIT only *)
val lfs : value option (* LuaFileSystem *)
JavaScript features are accessible via the JavaScript
structure in $(SML_LIB)/basis/
structure JavaScript : sig
type value
val undefined : value
val null : value
val sub : value * value -> value
val field : value * WideString.string -> value
val set : value * value * value -> unit
val setField : value * WideString.string * value -> unit
val global : WideString.string -> value
val setGlobal : WideString.string * value -> unit
val call : value -> value vector -> value
val new : value -> value vector -> value
val method : value * WideString.string -> value vector -> value
val function : (value vector -> value) -> value
val callback : (value vector -> unit) -> value
val fromBool : bool -> value
val fromInt : int -> value
val fromWord : word -> value
val fromReal : real -> value
val fromWideString : WideString.string -> value
val unsafeToValue : 'a -> value
val unsafeFromValue : value -> 'a
val === : value * value -> bool
val !== : value * value -> bool
val < : value * value -> bool
val > : value * value -> bool
val <= : value * value -> bool
val >= : value * value -> bool
val + : value * value -> value
val - : value * value -> value
val * : value * value -> value
val / : value * value -> value
val % : value * value -> value
val negate : value -> value
val andb : value * value -> value
val orb : value * value -> value
val xorb : value * value -> value
val notb : value -> value
val << : value * value -> value
val >> : value * value -> value
val >>> : value * value -> value
val ** : value * value -> value
val isFalsy : value -> bool
val typeof : value -> WideString.string
val newObject : unit -> value
val encodeUtf8 : WideString.string -> string
val decodeUtf8 : string -> WideString.string
val toInt32 : value ->
val toUint32 : value -> Word32.word
Pipe operator
contains the following declarations:
infix 0 |>
fun x |> f = f x
Unsafe functions are exposed via $(SML_LIB)/basis/
signature UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR = sig
type vector
type elem
val sub : vector * int -> elem
signature UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY = sig
type array
type elem
val sub : array * int -> elem
val update : array * int * elem -> unit
val create : int -> array
structure Unsafe : sig
structure Vector : sig
val sub : 'a vector * int -> 'a
structure Array : sig
val sub : 'a array * int -> 'a
val update : 'a array * int * 'a -> unit
structure BoolVector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = bool where type vector = BoolVector.vector
structure BoolArray : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = bool where type array = BoolArray.array
structure CharVector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Char.char where type vector = CharVector.vector
structure CharArray : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Char.char where type array = CharArray.array
structure IntVector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = where type vector = IntVector.vector
structure IntArray : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = where type array = IntArray.array
structure Int8Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = where type vector = Int8Vector.vector
structure Int8Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = where type array = Int8Array.array
structure Int16Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = where type vector = Int16Vector.vector
structure Int16Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = where type array = Int16Array.array
structure Int32Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = where type vector = Int32Vector.vector
structure Int32Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = where type array = Int32Array.array
structure Int64Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = where type vector = Int64Vector.vector
structure Int64Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = where type array = Int64Array.array
structure WideCharVector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = WideChar.char where type vector = WideCharVector.vector
structure WideCharArray : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = WideChar.char where type array = WideCharArray.array
structure WordVector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word.word where type vector = WordVector.vector
structure WordArray : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Word.word where type array = WordArray.array
structure Word8Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word8.word where type vector = Word8Vector.vector
structure Word8Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Word8.word where type array = Word8Array.array
structure Word16Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word16.word where type vector = Word16Vector.vector
structure Word16Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Word16.word where type array = Word16Array.array
structure Word32Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word32.word where type vector = Word32Vector.vector
structure Word32Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Word32.word where type array = Word32Array.array
structure Word64Vector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word64.word where type vector = Word64Vector.vector
structure Word64Array : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Word64.word where type array = Word64Array.array
structure RealVector : UNSAFE_MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Real.real where type vector = RealVector.vector
structure RealArray : UNSAFE_MONO_ARRAY where type elem = Real.real where type array = RealArray.array
val cast : 'a -> 'b
LunarML-specific features are exposed via $(SML_LIB)/basis/
structure LunarML : sig
val assumeDiscardable : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
structure DelimCont (* described below *)
assumeDiscardable f x
is equivalent to f x
, except that the compiler ignores the possible side-effect of the application, and eliminates the call if the result is not used.
Delimited continuations
Availability: JS-CPS backend (multi-shot), Lua-continuations backend (one-shot).
Status: experimental.
Delimited continuations are accessible via LunarML.DelimCont
structure in $(SML_LIB)/basis/
structure LunarML : sig
structure DelimCont : sig
type 'a prompt_tag
type ('a,'b) subcont
val supportsMultishot : bool
val newPromptTag : unit -> 'a prompt_tag
val pushPrompt : 'a prompt_tag * (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val withSubCont : 'b prompt_tag * (('a,'b) subcont -> 'b) -> 'a
val pushSubCont : ('a,'b) subcont * (unit -> 'a) -> 'b
val shift : 'a prompt_tag * (('b -> 'a) -> 'a) -> 'b
val control : 'a prompt_tag * (('b -> 'a) -> 'a) -> 'b
val abort : 'a prompt_tag * 'a -> 'b
val topLevel : unit prompt_tag (* JS-CPS backend only *)
The interface is based on the following paper:
Kent Dybvig, Simon Peyton Jones, Amr Sabry. 2005. A Monadic Framework for Delimited Continuations. Journal of Functional Programming. doi:10.1017/S0956796807006259
is equivalent to reset
or prompt
in other formulations.
JS-CPS backend specific: topLevel
is a prompt that is implicitly pushed by the runtime.
Some runtime functions, including TextIO.print
, need it to work.
implicitly pushes topLevel
, but JavaScript.function
does not.
Library mode (--lib
) does not push topLevel
on the top level.
Third-party libraries
LunarML bundles smlnj-lib and mlyacc-lib: